Entrecarder Adventures

Blog Tips From the Blogging Brainiac  

In 1996 I brought home a Powermac and my then 13 year old son was very taken with the Internet and webpages in specific.
Nowadays he makes his living as a programmer & system administrator and long ago surpassed his dad's coding abilities. I can only imagine the world of possibilities that awaits 13 year old Marko Dimitrovski, the boy behind Blog Tips From The Blogging Brainiac Series. (I should note that contrary to the title of this blog, the only remuneration I am receiving for writing this review is the satisfaction of helping Marko build his blog.)

Marko is still fleshing out his blog after doing his own Wordpress install and so the reader needs to be patient when cruising the site. His site is attractive, functional and destined to be very popular. Why? Because he hasn't developed an "expert's" attitude of knowing it all. For some reason it's easy to accept his "Blog Tips" when you realize that he's just a nice kid intent on making his mark in the world.

Marko is located in the Republic of Macedonia (I featured his home city in a recent post on Where on Earth Am I?) and Marko is the first Entrecarder to advertise on the Biz Beacon Advertising Co-op. If you haven't been to his site, do yourself a favor and go drop him a comment, subscribe to his feed, and make a new friend. I did!