Entrecarder Adventures

Bec's Life Has Changed!  

Bec's Life is sporting a brand new template and a very professional look. Bec was one of the first folks I met in the Entrecard community and I'm currently featuring her smiling face on the Biz Beacon Ad Co-op. Bec has been making money online for over a decade and is clearly focused on Internet Marketing. For whatever reason, I've followed Bec into a number of different traffic generators and affiliate programs, probably because I feel so positive when I'm on her site (it's her smile) and the site is so easy to read.

As I mentioned, Bec's Life is where I find out about new resources for bloggers and her post regarding Traffic Era is just one example. She warned us that it is addicting and it is. I found myself coming up for air an hour later, wondering just what I'd have to do to get 10/10 clocks and what exactly it meant. Addictions aside, I spend so much time with things Entrecard that it is refreshing to find some additional sites to help build my web businesses.

As of this writing Bec's feed button shows 149 readers and I'm sure this will continue to grow as more folks find Bec's Life. One thing I noticed that was missing with the new layout was her About page, but no worries, on her Links page she has lists her other sites, where one can find lots of photos and some background information.

So do yourself a favor and put Bec on your list of sites to frequent and get your dose of Aussie sunshine!


EntreBall...Try Your Luck!  

EntreBall is published by Linkfog.com and is loads of fun for just 30 ECs. The premise is simple: 42 squares matching up to the possible numbers red numbers in the semi-weekly Powerball drawing are available to purchase at a cost of 10 ECs apiece, a maximum of 3 numbers to a person. The pot has been sweetened beyond the 420 ECs from entry fees by the sponsorship of that particular drawing by one or more Entrecarders. For example, the current drawing has been sponsored to the tune of 1000ECs by Josh's Unconventional Marketing Blog, who also happens to be the previous drawing's winner of 1000ECs via his other blog, That Mutt.

30 ECs isn't much to spend for a little fun and a possible 1000EC payback. More than that, a little clique of regular participants is developing and one gets the sense that these people are fun-loving entrepreneurial types. Choosing one's numbers early in the current drawing period means that your entrecard will be displayed for the other players to see, a well-thought out bonus.

I hope the EntreBall continues to grow in popularity and the rules change so that each person only gets to purchase a single square per drawing. That way there'd be 42 different players for each drawing and Linkfog just might consider opening up a second section.